createIfNone property

bool? get createIfNone

Whether login should be performed if there is no matching session.

If true, a modal dialog will be shown asking the user to sign in. If false, a numbered badge will be shown on the accounts activity bar icon. An entry for the extension will be added under the menu to sign in. This allows quietly prompting the user to sign in.

If there is a matching session but the extension has not been granted access to it, setting this to true will also result in an immediate modal dialog, and false will add a numbered badge to the accounts icon.

Defaults to false.

Note: you cannot use this option with {@link AuthenticationGetSessionOptions.silent silent}.


_i2.bool? get createIfNone => _i5.getProperty(
set createIfNone (bool? value)


set createIfNone(_i2.bool? value) {
    value ?? _i6.undefined,