onWillSaveTextDocument property

Event<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent> get onWillSaveTextDocument

An event that is emitted when a {@link TextDocumenttext document} will be saved to disk.

Note 1: Subscribers can delay saving by registering asynchronous work. For the sake of data integrity the editor might save without firing this event. For instance when shutting down with dirty files.

Note 2: Subscribers are called sequentially and they can {@link TextDocumentWillSaveEvent.waitUntildelay} saving by registering asynchronous work. Protection against misbehaving listeners is implemented as such:

  • there is an overall time budget that all listeners share and if that is exhausted no further listener is called
  • listeners that take a long time or produce errors frequently will not be called anymore

The current thresholds are 1.5 seconds as overall time budget and a listener can misbehave 3 times before being ignored.


_i3.Event<_i3.TextDocumentWillSaveEvent> get onWillSaveTextDocument =>