match method

num match(
  1. Object selector,
  2. TextDocument document

Compute the match between a document {@link DocumentSelectorselector} and a document. Values greater than zero mean the selector matches the document.

A match is computed according to these rules:

  1. When {@linkcode DocumentSelector} is an array, compute the match for each contained DocumentFilter or language identifier and take the maximum value.
  2. A string will be desugared to become the language-part of a {@linkcode DocumentFilter}, so "fooLang" is like { language: "fooLang" }.
  3. A {@linkcode DocumentFilter} will be matched against the document by comparing its parts with the document. The following rules apply:
    1. When the DocumentFilter is empty ({}) the result is 0
    2. When scheme, language, pattern, or notebook are defined but one doesn't match, the result is 0
    3. Matching against * gives a score of 5, matching via equality or via a glob-pattern gives a score of 10
    4. The result is the maximum value of each match


// default document from disk (file-scheme)
doc.uri; //'file:///my/file.js'
doc.languageId; // 'javascript'
match('javascript', doc); // 10;
match({ language: 'javascript' }, doc); // 10;
match({ language: 'javascript', scheme: 'file' }, doc); // 10;
match('*', doc); // 5
match('fooLang', doc); // 0
match(['fooLang', '*'], doc); // 5

// virtual document, e.g. from git-index
doc.uri; // 'git:/my/file.js'
doc.languageId; // 'javascript'
match('javascript', doc); // 10;
match({ language: 'javascript', scheme: 'git' }, doc); // 10;
match('*', doc); // 5

// notebook cell document
doc.uri; // `vscode-notebook-cell:///my/notebook.ipynb#gl65s2pmha`;
doc.languageId; // 'python'
match({ notebookType: 'jupyter-notebook' }, doc) // 10
match({ notebookType: 'fooNotebook', language: 'python' }, doc) // 0
match({ language: 'python' }, doc) // 10
match({ notebookType: '*' }, doc) // 5


_i2.num match(
  _i2.Object selector,
  _i3.TextDocument document,
) =>