standardMouseSelect method

void standardMouseSelect()

Implement the standard behavior for selecting parts with the mouse, depending on the control and shift modifier keys.

Control-clicking on a part will select it if it wasn't already, and will deselect if it had been selected. Shift-clicking on a part will add it to the selection (if it wasn't already). Otherwise, clicking on a part will select it (if it wasn't already).

Note that there are restrictions on selection. For example, a part cannot be selected in this manner if Part#selectable is false, or if Diagram#maxSelectionCount would be exceeded.

A left click in the background of the diagram with no modifier keys clears the selection.

This method does not implement any click event behavior -- that is implemented by #standardMouseClick.

The ClickSelectingTool calls this method in its override of #doMouseUp in order to change the selection.

This method may be overridden, but you should consider calling this base method in order to get all of its functionality. Please read the Introduction page on Extensions for how to override methods and how to call this base method. @expose


void standardMouseSelect() {