Indicates whether the given Size is equal to the current Size.
@param {Size} s The Size to compare to the current Size.
@return {boolean} True if the Sizes have the same width and height,
false otherwise.
@see #equalTo
True when the given Size is nearly equal to this Size.
@param {Size} s The Size to compare to the current Size.
@return {boolean} True if the two Sizes have Width and Height values that
are equal with a tolerance of 0.5, false otherwise.
Indicates whether the given size is equal to this Size.
@param {number} w the width.
@param {number} h the height.
@return {boolean} True if the Sizes have the same width and height,
false otherwise.
@see #equals
Modify this Size so that its width and height are changed by the given distances.
When the arguments are negative, this operation deflates this Size, but not beyond zero.
@param {number} w The additional width, which must be a real number; may be negative.
@param {number} h The additional height, which must be a real number; may be negative.
@return {Rect} this.