RowColumnDefinition$Typings extension



actual num
This read-only property returns the usable row height or column width, after arrangement, in local coordinates, that objects in this row or column can be arranged within. This does not include #separatorPadding or #separatorStrokeWidth, as #total does.
getter/setter pair
alignment Spot
Gets or sets a default alignment for elements that are in this row or column. The value must be a Spot. The default value is Spot.Default, so that this RowColumnDefinition does not supply any alignment information for the row or column.
getter/setter pair
background ↔ dynamic
Gets or sets the background color for a particular row or column, which fills the entire span of the row or column, including any separatorPadding.
getter/setter pair
bind → ({RowColumnDefinition Function(Binding binding) $1, RowColumnDefinition Function([String? targetprop, String? sourceprop, TargetConversion? conv, BackConversion? backconv]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
coversSeparators bool
Determines whether or not the #background, if there is one, is in front of or behind the separators.
getter/setter pair
height num
Gets or sets the row height, in local coordinates. This describes the row height if #isRow is true; otherwise this property is meaningless. The value must be non-negative and finite.
getter/setter pair
index num
This read-only property returns which row or column this RowColumnDefinition describes in the #panel. The value is a zero-based integer.
getter/setter pair
isRow bool
This read-only property is true when this describes a row instead of a column in the #panel. When this is true, the #height, #minimum, and #maximum all describe the row height. Otherwise #width and the other two properties describe the column width.
getter/setter pair
maximum num
Gets or sets the maximum row height or column width, in local coordinates. The maximum describes the row height if #isRow is true; otherwise this describes the column width.
getter/setter pair
measured num
getter/setter pair
minimum num
Gets or sets the minimum row height or column width, in local coordinates. The minimum describes the row height if #isRow is true; otherwise this describes the column width.
getter/setter pair
panel Panel?
This read-only property returns the Panel that this row or column definition is in.
getter/setter pair
position num
This read-only property returns the actual arranged row or column starting position, after arrangement, in local coordinates. This value gives the Y position if #isRow is true; otherwise this gives the X position. The value is meaningless until after the Table Panel using this RowColumnDefinition has been arranged.
getter/setter pair
separatorDashArray Array<num>?
Gets or sets the dash array for dashing the separator line, provided this row or column has a nonzero RowColumnDefinition#separatorStrokeWidth and non-null RowColumnDefinition#separatorStroke.
getter/setter pair
separatorPadding Object
Gets or sets the additional padding for a particular row or column, in local coordinates. Padding is applied on two sides - before and after a row or column's contents. The #separatorStrokeWidth comes before any padding Margin#top or Margin#left.
getter/setter pair
separatorStroke ↔ dynamic
Gets or sets the stroke (color) for the separator line that is drawn before a particular row or column, provided that row or column has a nonzero #separatorStrokeWidth.
getter/setter pair
separatorStrokeWidth num
Gets or sets the stroke width for a particular row or column's separator line, in local coordinates.
getter/setter pair
sizing EnumValue
Gets or sets how this row or column deals with a Table Panel's extra space. The value must be one of: RowColumnDefinition.None, RowColumnDefinition.ProportionalExtra, or RowColumnDefinition.Default. The default value is RowColumnDefinition.Default.
getter/setter pair
stretch EnumValue
Gets or sets the default stretch for elements that are in this row or column. The only accepted values are listed as constant properties of GraphObject: GraphObject.None, GraphObject.Fill, GraphObject.Horizontal, GraphObject.Vertical, or GraphObject.Default. The default value is GraphObject.Default, so that this RowColumnDefinition does not supply any stretch information for the row or column.
getter/setter pair
total num
This read-only property returns the total arranged row height or column width, after arrangement, in local coordinates. This value gives the #actual size plus the #separatorPadding and #separatorStrokeWidth.
getter/setter pair
width num
Gets or sets the column width, in local coordinates. The size describes the column width if #isRow is false; otherwise this property is meaningless. The value must be non-negative and finite.
getter/setter pair


computeEffectiveSpacing() num
(undocumented) Get the total spacing for a row or column.
computeEffectiveSpacingTop(num first) num
(undocumented) Get the spacing at the top or left of the row or column. @param {number} first the first row or column with an element in it @return {number} @see #computeEffectiveSpacing