PathFigure$Typings extension



isEvenOdd bool
Gets or sets whether this PathFigure will render and hit-test with the even-odd fill rule or nonzero winding number fill rule (false). The default value is false, using the nonzero winding number rule.
getter/setter pair
isFilled bool
Gets or sets whether this PathFigure is drawn filled. The default value is true.
getter/setter pair
isShadowed bool
Gets or sets whether this PathFigure will render a shadow if one is defined. This is used for turning off shadows on specific subpaths. The default value is true.
getter/setter pair
segments List<PathSegment>
Gets or sets the List of PathSegments that define this PathFigure.
getter/setter pair
startX num
Gets or sets the starting point X coordinate of the PathFigure. The default value is zero.
getter/setter pair
startY num
Gets or sets the starting point Y coordinate of the PathFigure. The default value is zero.
getter/setter pair


add(PathSegment segment) PathFigure
Add a PathSegment to the #segments list. @param {PathSegment} segment a newly allocated unshared PathSegment that will become owned by this PathFigure @return {PathFigure} @since 1.5
copy() PathFigure
Create a copy of this PathFigure, with the same values and segments. @expose @return {PathFigure}
equalsApprox(PathFigure f) bool
(undocumented) @param {PathFigure} f @return {boolean}