copiesArrays property

bool get copiesArrays

Gets or sets whether the default behavior for #copyNodeData or GraphLinksModel#copyLinkData makes copies of property values that are Arrays. This only copies Arrays that are top-level property values in data objects, not for Arrays that are in nested objects. Copying Arrays will also copy any array items that are Objects when #copiesArrayObjects is true.

The default value is false. It is commonplace to set #copiesArrayObjects to true when setting this property to true. This property does not affect any behavior when the value of #copyNodeDataFunction or GraphLinksModel#copyLinkDataFunction has been set to a function.

Caution: if you want a copied data object to share some Arrays but not others, you will need to provide your own copying function as #copyNodeDataFunction rather than setting this property to true.

Warning: there should not be any cyclical references within the model data.


_i2.bool get copiesArrays => _i4.getProperty(
set copiesArrays (bool value)


set copiesArrays(_i2.bool value) {