Indicates whether the given Margin is equal to this Margin.
@param {Margin} m The Margin to compare to this Margin.
@return {boolean} True if the two Margins have identical Top and Right and Bottom and Left values,
false otherwise.
@see #equalTo
True when the given Margin is nearly equal to this Margin.
@param {Margin} m The Margin to compare to the current Margin.
@return {boolean} True if the two Margins have Top, Right,
Bottom and Left values within 0.5, false otherwise.
Indicates whether the given margin is equal to this Margin.
@param {number} t top.
@param {number} r right.
@param {number} b bottom.
@param {number} l left.
@return {boolean} True if the two Margins have identical Top and Right and Bottom and Left values,
false otherwise.
@see #equals
Modify this Margin so that its Top, Right, Bottom, and Left values
are the same as the given Margin.
@param {Margin} m the given Margin.
@return {Margin} this.
Modify this Margin with new Top, Right, Bottom, and Left values.
@param {number} t top.
@param {number} r right.
@param {number} b bottom.
@param {number} l left.
@return {Margin} this.