getLinkDirection method

num getLinkDirection(
  1. Node? node,
  2. GraphObject? port,
  3. Point linkpoint,
  4. Spot spot,
  5. bool from,
  6. bool ortho, [
  7. Node? othernode,
  8. GraphObject? otherport,

Compute the direction in which a link should go from a given connection point. @expose @param {Node} node @param {GraphObject} port the GraphObject representing a port on the node. @param {Point} linkpoint the connection point, in document coordinates. @param {Spot} spot a Spot value describing where the link should connect. @param {boolean} from true if the link is coming out of the port; false if going to the port. @param {boolean} ortho whether the link should have orthogonal segments. @param {Node} othernode the node at the other end of the link. @param {GraphObject} otherport the GraphObject port at the other end of the link. @return {number} the absolute angle, in degrees. @since 1.2


_i2.num getLinkDirection(
  _i3.Node? node,
  _i3.GraphObject? port,
  _i3.Point linkpoint,
  _i3.Spot spot,
  _i2.bool from,
  _i2.bool ortho, [
  _i3.Node? othernode,
  _i3.GraphObject? otherport,
]) =>
        node ?? _i5.undefined,
        port ?? _i5.undefined,
        othernode ?? _i5.undefined,
        otherport ?? _i5.undefined,