getLocalPoint method
Given a Point in document coordinates, returns a new Point in local coordinates.
For example, if you have a mouse event whose InputEvent#documentPoint is at 122, 213
and if you have a Node whose #position is at 100, 200
could return a Point that is at 22, 13
For a GraphObject within the Node named "TB",
could return a Point that is at 15.7, 6.7
if that "TB" object is positioned somewhat inside the bounds of the Node.
@param {Point} p a real Point in document coordinates.
@param {Point=} result an optional Point that is modified and returned.
@return {Point} The corresponding Point in local coordinates.
@see #getDocumentPoint
_i3.Point getLocalPoint(
_i3.Point p, [
_i3.Point? result,
]) =>
result ?? _i5.undefined,