currentTool property

Tool get currentTool

Gets or sets the current tool for this Diagram that handles all input events. This value is frequently replaced by the #toolManager as different tools run.

Each Diagram has a number of tools that define its behavior when responding to mouse events. These include ClickSelectingTool, DraggingTool, DragSelectingTool, LinkingTool, and ResizingTool, among others.

Initially this is set to the value of #defaultTool. Setting this to a null value is treated as if it were set to the #defaultTool, because there should always be a currently running tool, except when the diagram is being initialized.

A ToolManager is the default tool used by a Diagram - it chooses to run one of the other tools depending on the circumstances.

Setting this property to a new tool stops the previous current tool

Setting this property does not notify about any changed event.


_i3.Tool get currentTool => _i4.getProperty(
set currentTool (Tool value)


set currentTool(_i3.Tool value) {