sourceName property

String? get sourceName

Gets or sets the name of the GraphObject that should act as a source object whose property should be gotten by this data binding. The default value is null, which uses the bound Panel#data as the source. If the value is a string, it should be the name of a GraphObject in the visual tree of the Panel that is bound to the data. Use the empty string to refer to the root panel, which is typically the whole Node or Link, but will be a Panel if used in a Panel#itemTemplate. The name must not contain a period.

Binding only works if the source property is settable, not on computed or read-only properties, and if it supports notification. The documentation for the GraphObject (or subclass of GraphObject) property will indicate if the property is settable and if it does not notify.


_i2.String? get sourceName => _i4.getProperty(
set sourceName (String? value)


set sourceName(_i2.String? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,