initialAnimationStyle property

EnumValue get initialAnimationStyle

Gets or sets the initial animation style that is set up by the #defaultAnimation. This can be AnimationManager.Default, AnimationManager.AnimateLocations, or AnimationManager.None.

  • If set to AnimationManager.Default, the initial animation will "fade up" the Diagram's contents by animating the Diagram#position and Diagram#opacity.
  • If set to AnimationManager.AnimateLocations, the initial animation will animate Part locations from (0, 0) to their values, as GoJS 2.0 and prior do.
  • If set to AnimationManager.None, no initial animation will happen by default, which this allows you to specify your own initial animation by defining a "InitialAnimationStarting" DiagramEvent listener with Diagram#addDiagramListener.

An example custom initial animation, which zooms the Diagram into view:

myDiagram.animationManager.initialAnimationStyle = go.AnimationManager.None;
myDiagram.addDiagramListener('InitialAnimationStarting', e => {
  var animation = e.subject.defaultAnimation;
  animation.easing = go.Animation.EaseOutExpo;
  animation.duration = 900;
  animation.add(e.diagram, 'scale', 0.1, 1);
  animation.add(e.diagram, 'opacity', 0, 1);


_i3.EnumValue get initialAnimationStyle => _i4.getProperty(
set initialAnimationStyle (EnumValue value)


set initialAnimationStyle(_i3.EnumValue value) {