
Easier and type-safe isolate usage with support for parent and child isolates and easy 2-way communication between them.


  • Declare a parent isolate that handles incoming data and can send messages to children isolates
  • Declare a child isolate or isolates to handle requests from and send data to the main isolate
  • Easily spawn children isolates from the parent isolate
  • Natural support for long-living isolates
  • Full type safety thanks to type arguments everywhere!


To start, create an IsolateParent and call init(). After calling spawn() to create a child, use sendToChild and subscribe to its stream:

void main() async {
  // Sends ints, receives strings
  final parent = IsolateParent<int, String>();
  await parent.spawn(MyChildIsolate(id: "my-child-id"));
  parent.sendToChild(id: "my-child-id", data: 1);

To create a child, subclass IsolateChild and provide an id and an onData handler for handling messages from the parent isolate. Use sendToParent to send data back to the parent. If you'd like to run code when the child spawns, override onSpawn.

Here's an example of a child isolate that receives integers and wraps them in square brackets.

// Sends strings, receives ints
class NumberConverter extends IsolateChild<String, int> {
  NumberConverter() : super(id: "brackets");

  void onSpawn() => print("Opening child $id...");

  void onData(int data) => sendToParent("[$data]");

For a fully integrated example, see the Example tab or example/example.dart.

