RemainingTableSpanExtent typedef

RemainingTableSpanExtent = RemainingSpanExtent

Specifies that the span should occupy the remaining space in the viewport.

If the previous TableSpans can already fill out the viewport, this will evaluate the span's extent to zero. If the previous spans cannot fill out the viewport, this span's extent will be whatever space is left to fill out the viewport.

To avoid that the span's extent evaluates to zero, consider combining this extent with another extent. The following example will make sure that the span's extent is at least 200 pixels, but if there's more than that available in the viewport, it will fill all that space:

const MaxTableSpanExtent(FixedTableSpanExtent(200.0), RemainingTableSpanExtent());


typedef RemainingTableSpanExtent = RemainingSpanExtent;