ListData constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const ListData({
  1. required String id,
  2. required String name,
  3. String? description,
  4. String? ownerId,
  5. int? followerCount,
  6. int? memberCount,
  7. @JsonKey(name: 'private') bool? isPrivate,
  8. DateTime? createdAt,


@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const factory ListData({
  /// The unique identifier of this List.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Use this to programmatically retrieve information about a specific
  ///   Twitter List.
  required String id,

  /// The name of the List, as defined when creating the List.
  required String name,

  /// A brief description to let users know about the List.
  String? description,

  /// Unique identifier of this List's owner.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Returns the List owner ID. Can potentially be used to find out if
  ///   this specific user owns any other Lists. Can also be used to expand
  ///   user objects.
  String? ownerId,

  /// Shows how many users follow this List.
  int? followerCount,

  /// Shows how many members are part of this List.
  int? memberCount,

  /// Indicates if the List is private.
  @JsonKey(name: 'private') bool? isPrivate,

  /// The UTC date time that the List was created on Twitter.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Can be used to determine how long a List has been on Twitter.
  DateTime? createdAt,
}) = _ListData;