Includes constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const Includes({
  1. List<TweetData>? tweets,
  2. List<UserData>? users,
  3. List<MediaData>? media,
  4. List<PlaceData>? places,
  5. List<PollData>? polls,
  6. List<TopicData>? topics,


@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const factory Includes({
  /// This includes a list of referenced Retweets, Quoted Tweets, or replies
  /// in the form of Tweet objects with their default fields and any
  /// additional fields requested using the `tweet.fields` parameter, assuming
  /// there is a referenced Tweet present in the returned Tweet(s).
  List<TweetData>? tweets,

  /// This includes a list of referenced Tweet authors in the form of user
  /// objects with their default fields and any additional fields requested
  /// using the user.fields parameter.
  List<UserData>? users,

  /// This includes a list of images, videos, and GIFs included in Tweets in
  /// the form of media objects with their default fields and any additional
  /// fields requested using the media.fields parameter, assuming there is a
  /// media attachment present in the returned Tweet(s).
  List<MediaData>? media,

  /// This includes a list of referenced places in Tweets in the form of place
  /// objects with their default fields and any additional fields requested
  /// using the place.fields parameter, assuming there is a place present in
  /// the returned Tweet(s).
  List<PlaceData>? places,

  /// This includes a list of polls that are attached to Tweets in the form
  /// of poll objects with their default fields and any additional fields
  /// requested using the poll.fields parameter, assuming there is a poll
  /// present in the returned Tweet(s).
  List<PollData>? polls,

  /// This includes a list of topics that are attached to Spaces in the form
  /// of topic objects with their default fields and any additional fields
  /// requested using the topic.fields parameter, assuming there is a topic
  /// present in the returned Space(s).
  List<TopicData>? topics,
}) = _Includes;