SpaceData constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const SpaceData({
  1. required String id,
  2. String? title,
  3. SpaceState? state,
  4. String? creatorId,
  5. SpaceLanguage? lang,
  6. List<String>? hostIds,
  7. List<String>? topicIds,
  8. List<String>? speakerIds,
  9. List<String>? invitedUserIds,
  10. int? subscriberCount,
  11. int? participantCount,
  12. bool? isTicketed,
  13. DateTime? scheduledStart,
  14. DateTime? startedAt,
  15. DateTime? endedAt,
  16. DateTime? createdAt,
  17. DateTime? updatedAt,


@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const factory SpaceData({
  /// The unique identifier of the requested Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Uniquely identify a Space returned in the response.
  required String id,

  /// The title of the Space as specified by the creator.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Determine the title of a Space, understand referenced keywords,
  ///   hashtags, and mentions.
  String? title,

  /// Indicates if the Space has started or will start in the future,
  /// or if it has ended.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Filter live or scheduled Spaces.
  SpaceState? state,

  /// The id of the Space creator.
  String? creatorId,

  /// Language of the Space, if detected by Twitter. Returned as a BCP47
  /// language tag.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Classify Spaces by inferred language.
  SpaceLanguage? lang,

  /// The unique identifier of the users who are hosting this Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Expand User objects, understand engagement.
  List<String>? hostIds,

  /// A list of IDs of the topics selected by the creator of the Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Determine the title of a Space, understand referenced keywords,
  ///   hashtags, and mentions.
  List<String>? topicIds,

  /// The list of users who were speaking at any point during the Space.
  /// This list contains all the users in invited_user_ids in addition to any
  /// user who requested to speak and was allowed via the Add speaker option.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Expand User objects, understand engagement.
  List<String>? speakerIds,

  /// The list of user IDs that were invited to join as speakers. Usually,
  /// users in this list are invited to speak via the Invite user option.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Expand User objects, understand engagement.
  List<String>? invitedUserIds,

  /// The number of people who set a reminder to a Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Understand how many people are interested in attending the event.
  ///   This metric is available for scheduled Spaces and Spaces scheduled in
  ///   the past that are currently live.
  int? subscriberCount,

  /// The current number of users in the Space, including Hosts and Speakers.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Understand engagement, and create reports and visualizations for
  ///   creators.
  int? participantCount,

  /// Indicates is this is a ticketed Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Create user experiences to highlight content of interest.
  bool? isTicketed,

  /// Indicates the start time of a scheduled Space, as set by the creator
  /// of the Space. This field is returned only if the Space has been
  /// scheduled; in other words, if the field is returned, it means the Space
  /// is a scheduled Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Integrate with calendar notifications, filter and sort Spaces by time.
  DateTime? scheduledStart,

  /// Indicates the actual start time of a Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Determine start time of a Space.
  DateTime? startedAt,

  /// Time when the Space was ended. Only available for ended Spaces.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Understand when a live Space ended in order to compute
  ///   its runtime duration.
  DateTime? endedAt,

  /// Creation time of this Space.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Understand when a Space was first created and sort Spaces by
  ///   creation time.
  DateTime? createdAt,

  /// Specifies the date and time of the last update to any of the Space's
  /// metadata, such as its title or scheduled time.
  /// ## How It Can Be Used
  /// - Keep information up to date.
  DateTime? updatedAt,
}) = _SpaceData;