_internal/js/twilio library
Acts as interface for the Twilio Voice JS SDK The 2 main components of Twilio Voice SDJ are:
- Twilio.Device - This is the main object that is used to interact with the Twilio Voice SDK. Documentation:
- https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/sdks/javascript/twiliodevice
- https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/client/javascript/device (deprecated)
- Twilio.Call - This is the object that represents a call. It is returned by the Twilio.Device.connect() method. Documentation:
The Twilio Voice JS SDK is loaded in the webview using the TwilioVoiceWeb plugin.
Short description of file & functions (high-level)0
Load twilio.js or twilio.min.js by filename (see web/twilio.js), @JS annotates this is a JS operation/function. Alternatively,
to call a specific JS function, add this inside the @JS annotation's parentheses e.g. @JS("JSON.stringify")
Declare external functions that will be called from JS - keep JS and dart names synonymous - for readers, future devs, and debugging.
These external functions are called from the main plugin_name_web.dart