place method

  1. @override
Future<bool?> place({
  1. required String from,
  2. required String to,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? extraOptions,

Place outgoing call from to to. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. Generally accepted format is e164 (e.g. US number +15555555555) alternatively, use 'client:${clientId}' to call a Twilio Client connection Parameters send to Twilio's REST API endpoint 'makeCall' can be passed in extraOptions; Parameters are reduced to this format { "From": from, "To": to, ...extraOptions } See twilio_js.Device.connect


Future<bool?> place({required String from, required String to, Map<String, dynamic>? extraOptions}) async {
  assert(device != null,
      "Twilio device is null, make sure you have initialized the device first by calling [ setTokens({required String accessToken, String? deviceToken}) ] ");
  assert(from.isNotEmpty, "From cannot be empty");
  assert(to.isNotEmpty, "To cannot be empty");
  assert(extraOptions?.keys.contains("From") ?? true, "From cannot be passed in extraOptions");
  assert(extraOptions?.keys.contains("To") ?? true, "To cannot be passed in extraOptions");

  Logger.logLocalEvent("Making new call");
  // handle parameters
  final params = <String, String>{
    "From": from,
    "To": to,
  extraOptions?.forEach((key, value) {
    params[key] = value.toString();

  // this.callOutgoing = true;
  // Log.d(TAG, "calling to " + call.argument("To").toString());
  // final options = twilioJs.DeviceConnectOptions(params);
  try {
    final callParams = js_util.jsify(params);
    final options = twilio_js.DeviceConnectOptions(params: callParams);
    final promise = _device!.connect(options);
    nativeCall = await js_util.promiseToFuture(promise);

  } catch (e) {
    printDebug("Failed to place call: $e");
    return false;
  return true;