holdCall method

  1. @override
Future<bool?> holdCall({
  1. bool holdCall = true,

Not currently implemented for web https://github.com/twilio/twilio-voice.js/issues/32 Call holding should be done server-side as suggested by @ryan-rowland here(https://github.com/twilio/twilio-voice.js/issues/32#issuecomment-1016872545) See this to get started: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22643800/twilio-how-to-move-an-existing-call-to-a-conference See this for more info on how to use cold holding, and its requirements: https://github.com/twilio/twilio-voice.js/issues/32#issuecomment-1331081241 TODO(cybex-dev) - implement call holding feature in twilio-voice.js for use in twilio_voice_web


Future<bool?> holdCall({bool holdCall = true}) {
  // Logger.logLocalEvent(holdCall ? "Unhold" : "Hold", prefix: "");
  // return Future.value(false);
  return Future.value(false);