updateCallKitIcon method
Set iOS call kit icon
This allows for CallKit customization: setting the last button (bottom right) of the callkit.
Ensure you have an icon registered in your XCode project (Runner > Assets)
To do this:
- open XCode
- Create/Add your transparency / white mask image into Assets.xcassets (i.e. image uses Alpha channel only (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/callkit/cxproviderconfiguration/2274376-icontemplateimagedata)
- Name of icon e.g. "TransparentIcon"
Use TwilioVoice.instance.updateCallKitIcon(icon: "TransparentIcon")
Future<bool?> updateCallKitIcon({String? icon}) {
return _channel.invokeMethod('updateCallKitIcon', <String, dynamic>{"icon": icon});