Twilio Dart

A Dart package which helps developers with Twilio API services.


  • Send SMS programmatically;
  • Get all SMS related to a Twilio account;

Getting Started

Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.

  twilio_dart_api: ^0.0.1

How to use

Create a new Object

Twilio twilio = Twilio(
  accountSid : '*************************', // replace *** with Account SID
  authToken : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',  // replace xxx with Auth Token
  twilioNumber : '+...............'  // replace .... with Twilio Number

Now you can use any instance of following


Send Message

//Use sendMessage with the recipient number and message body.
twilio.messages.sendMessage(String toNumber, [String message = ""]);

View Message List

//Returns list of SMS
//pageSize defaults to 10
//Filter out numbers also

MessagesData messagesData = await twilio.getMessageList({
  int pageSize = 10,
  String? toNumber,
  String? fromNumber,

Change Twilio Number

); // To change the twilio number

Issues and feedback 💭

If you have any suggestion for including a feature or if something doesn't work, feel free to open a Github issue for us to have a discussion on it.