resolve function

Future<Document?> resolve(
  1. Document document,
  2. Directory currentDirectory, {
  3. void onError(
    1. dynamic error
  4. Iterable<Patcher>? patch,

Expands all block[name] tags within the template, replacing them with the correct content.

To apply additional patches to resolved documents, provide a set of patch functions.


Future<Document?> resolve(Document document, Directory currentDirectory,
    {void onError(error)?, Iterable<Patcher>? patch}) async {
  onError ?? (e) => throw (e is Exception ? e : e as Error);
  // onError ?? (e) => throw e;

  // Resolve all includes...
  var includesResolved = await resolveIncludes(document, currentDirectory, onError);

  var patched = await applyInheritance(includesResolved, currentDirectory, onError, patch);

  if (patch?.isNotEmpty != true) return patched;

  for (var p in patch!) {
    patched = await p(patched, currentDirectory, onError);

  return patched;