Interactive tutorials for flutter apps, without messing up your code.


Using this package enables you to:

  • 📜 Separate your tutorial logic and code from the rest of your application
  • 🧙‍♀️ Create complex interactive tutorials, that go beyond highlighting important widgets of your app (although that is possible as well, of course!)
  • ⏫ Add more than one tutorial to your app


Find extensive information on how to use this package in the example and documentation.

These are the basic steps to get you started:

  1. Create the enum that provides your tutorial IDs:
enum ExampleTutorialID implements TutorialID {
  // Keys
  // Conditions
  // Contexts
  1. Create your tutorial class that extends or implements TutorialContainer and define the tutorial steps:
class ExampleTutorial extends TutorialContainer {

  String getName() => "Example tutorial";

  List<TutorialStep> get tutorialSteps => [
            tutorialText: "Click here to increase the counter",
            tutorialID: ExampleTutorialID.floatingButtonKey),
        WaitForConditionTutorialStep(tutorialID: ExampleTutorialID.counterWasIncreased),
        PlainTextTutorialStep(tutorialText: "You successfully pressed the button! Tutorial finished..")
  1. Create a tutorial key repository and add a global navigator key:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> _globalNavigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();


  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return RepositoryProvider(
        create: (_) => tutorialRepository(_globalNavigatorKey),
    child: MaterialApp(
    navigatorKey: _globalNavigatorKey,
    title: 'Flutter Demo',
    theme: ThemeData(...))); 
  1. In the MyHomePage widget, add a floatingActionButton key:
final GlobalKey _floatingActionButtonKey = GlobalKey();


floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        key: _floatingActionButtonKey,
        onPressed: _incrementCounter,
        tooltip: 'Increment',
        child: const Icon(Icons.add),
  1. Create an extension for the _MyHomePageState to separate the tutorial registration:
extension _ExampleTutorialExt on _MyHomePageState {
  void registerExampleTutorial() {
    final tutorialRepository tutorialRepository =<tutorialRepository>();
    tutorialRepository.registerKey(ExampleTutorialID.floatingButtonKey, _floatingActionButtonKey);
    tutorialRepository.registerCondition(ExampleTutorialID.counterWasIncreased, (timeout) {
      return TutorialStepWithWaiting.conditionWithTimeout(timeout, () => _counter > 0);
  1. Call the extension method in the initState function of _MyHomePageState:
void initState() {
  1. Add a TutorialStartButton in the build method to start the tutorial:
final ExampleTutorial exampleTutorial = ExampleTutorial();


  buttonBuilder: (onPressed) =>
  ElevatedButton(onPressed: onPressed, child: Text("Start Tutorial: ${exampleTutorial.getName()}")),
  tutorial: exampleTutorial,