polygonToLine function

GeoJSONObject polygonToLine(
  1. GeoJSONObject poly, {
  2. Map<String, dynamic>? properties,

Converts a Polygon to LineString or MultiLineString or a MultiPolygon to a FeatureCollection of LineString or MultiLineString. Returns FeatureCollection or Feature<LineString> or Feature<MultiLinestring> example:

var poly = Polygon(coordinates:
  Position.of([125, -30]),
  Position.of([145, -30]),
  Position.of([145, -20]),
  Position.of([125, -20]),
  Position.of([125, -30])
var line = polygonToLine(poly);
var addToMap = [line];


GeoJSONObject polygonToLine(GeoJSONObject poly,
    {Map<String, dynamic>? properties}) {
  var geom = getGeom(poly);

  properties =
      properties ?? ((poly is Feature) ? poly.properties : <String, dynamic>{});

  if (geom is Polygon) {
    return _polygonToLine(geom, properties: properties);
  } else if (geom is MultiPolygon) {
    return _multiPolygonToLine(geom, properties: properties);
  } else {
    throw Exception("invalid poly");