rhumbBearing function
Takes two Point and finds the bearing angle between them along a Rhumb line
i.e. the angle measured in degrees start the north line (0 degrees)
calculates the final bearing if true.
Returns bearing from north in decimal degrees, between -180 and 180 degrees (positive clockwise)
var point1 = Feature(geometry: Point(coordinates: Position.of([-75.343, 39.984])), properties: {"marker-color": "#F00"});
var point2 = Feature(geometry: Point(coordinates: Position.of([-75.534, 39.123])), properties: {"marker-color": "#00F"});
var bearing = rhumbBearing(point1.geometry, point2.geometry);
var addToMap = [point1, point2];
point1.properties['bearing'] = bearing;
point2.properties['bearing'] = bearing;
num rhumbBearing(Point start, Point end, {bool kFinal = false}) {
num bear360;
if (kFinal) {
bear360 = calculateRhumbBearing(getCoord(end), getCoord(start));
} else {
bear360 = calculateRhumbBearing(getCoord(start), getCoord(end));
var bear180 = bear360 > 180 ? -(360 - bear360) : bear360;
return bear180;