nearestPoint function

Feature<Point> nearestPoint(
  1. Feature<Point> targetPoint,
  2. FeatureCollection<Point> points

Takes a reference Point and a FeatureCollection of Features with Point geometries and returns the point from the FeatureCollection closest to the reference. This calculation is geodesic. For example:

var targetPoint = Point(coordinates: Position(-75.943, 39.984));
Feature feature =
   Feature(geometry: targetPoint, properties: {"marker-color": "#0F0"});
FeatureCollection points = FeatureCollection(features: [
  Feature(geometry: Point(coordinates: Position(-75.343, 39.984))),
  Feature(geometry: Point(coordinates: Position(-75.443, 39.984))),
  Feature(geometry: Point(coordinates: Position(-75.543, 39.984))),
  Feature(geometry: Point(coordinates: Position(-75.643, 39.984))),

var nearest = nearestPoint(targetPoint, points);

var addToMap = [targetPoint, points, nearest];['marker-color'] = '#F00';


Feature<Point> nearestPoint(
    Feature<Point> targetPoint, FeatureCollection<Point> points) {
  Feature<Point> nearest;
  num minDist = double.infinity;
  num bestFeatureIndex = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < points.features.length; i++) {
    num distanceToPoint =
        distance(targetPoint.geometry!, points.features[i].geometry!);
    if (distanceToPoint < minDist) {
      bestFeatureIndex = i;
      minDist = distanceToPoint;

  nearest = points.features[bestFeatureIndex as int].clone();!['featureIndex'] = bestFeatureIndex;!['distanceToPoint'] = minDist;
  return nearest;