isPointOnLineSegment function

bool isPointOnLineSegment(
  1. Position start,
  2. Position end,
  3. Position point

Returns if point is on the segment between start and end. Borrowed from booleanPointOnLine to speed up the evaluation (instead of using the module as dependency). start is the coord pair of start of line, end is the coord pair of end of line, and point is the coord pair of point to check.


bool isPointOnLineSegment(Position start, Position end, Position point) {
  var x =, y = point.lng;
  var startX =, startY = start.lng;
  var endX =, endY = end.lng;

  var dxc = x - startX;
  var dyc = y - startY;
  var dxl = endX - startX;
  var dyl = endY - startY;
  var cross = dxc * dyl - dyc * dxl;

  if (cross != 0) {
    return false;
  } else if ((dxl).abs() >= (dyl).abs()) {
    return dxl > 0 ? startX <= x && x <= endX : endX <= x && x <= startX;
  } else {
    return dyl > 0 ? startY <= y && y <= endY : endY <= y && y <= startY;