TJPF_CMYK constant

int const TJPF_CMYK

CMYK pixel format. Unlike RGB, which is an additive color model used primarily for display, CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Key) is a subtractive color model used primarily for printing. In the CMYK color model, the value of each color component typically corresponds to an amount of cyan, magenta, yellow, or black ink that is applied to a white background. In order to convert between CMYK and RGB, it is necessary to use a color management system (CMS.) A CMS will attempt to map colors within the printer's gamut to perceptually similar colors in the display's gamut and vice versa, but the mapping is typically not 1:1 or reversible, nor can it be defined with a simple formula. Thus, such a conversion is out of scope for a codec library. However, the TurboJPEG API allows for compressing CMYK pixels into a YCCK JPEG image (see #TJCS_YCCK) and decompressing YCCK JPEG images into CMYK pixels.


static const int TJPF_CMYK = 11;