addPassageMode static method

void addPassageMode(
  1. TTPassageModeType type,
  2. List<int>? weekly,
  3. List<int>? monthly,
  4. int startTime,
  5. int endTime,
  6. String lockData,
  7. TTSuccessCallback callback,
  8. TTFailedCallback failedCallback,

Config the lock passage mode. If config succeed,the lock will always be unlocked

type weekly Any number 1-7, 1 means Monday,2 means Tuesday ,...,7 means Sunday, such as 1,3,6,7. If type == TTPassageModeTypeMonthly, the weekly should be set null monthly Any number from 1 to 31, such as @@1,@13,@26,@31. If type == TTPassageModeTypeWeekly, the monthly should be set null startTime The time when it becomes valid (minutes from 0 clock) endTime The time when it is expired (minutes from 0 clock) lockData The lock data string used to operate lock


static void addPassageMode(
      TTPassageModeType type,
      List<int>? weekly,
      List<int>? monthly,
      int startTime,
      int endTime,
      String lockData,
      TTSuccessCallback callback,
      TTFailedCallback failedCallback) {
    Map map = Map();
    map[TTResponse.passageModeType] = type.index;
    map[TTResponse.startDate] = startTime;
    map[TTResponse.endDate] = endTime;
    map[TTResponse.lockData] = lockData;
    if (type == TTPassageModeType.weekly) {
      map[TTResponse.weekly] = weekly;
    } else {
      map[TTResponse.monthly] = monthly;
    invoke(COMMAND_ADD_PASSAGE_MODE, map, callback, fail: failedCallback);