A Dart library for working with large numbers of Isolates.


A simple usage example:

import 'package:tribbles/tribbles.dart';

void hi(ConnectFn connect, ReplyFn reply) {
  // you MUST always call connect() in the worker function you pass to a Tribble 
  // otherwise the Tribble will not be fully initialised 
  connect().listen((message) {
    print('[Tribble received] $message');

main() {
  final tribble = Tribble(hi);

See the sample code for a more completed example of using Tribble.

A more complex example showing how to use large numbers of Tribbles is also available. Note if you wish, you can compare performance (memory, clock time and cpu usage) of the multi Tribble example by compiling AOT to a executable using: dart compile exe example/multi_example.dart.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Tibbles wraps the Isolate API to try to make it easier to manage large numbers of Isolates and communication between them.