
Dart package to talk to a Transmission torrent instance, for a flutter package including UI widget please check transmission

Getting Started

Create an instance of Transmission, you can then use it in any data state management you want (bloc, provider, mobx...)

final transmission = Transmission(
  baseUrl: '',
  enableLog: true,

By default baseUrl uses http://localhost:9091/transmission/rpc.

Once you have that you can simply interact with transmission's data like torrents or settings.

Simple examples

Getting torrents

final torrents = await transmission.getTorrents();

Adding torrent

await transmission.addTorrent(filename: 'https://myUrlMagnet');

Start torrents

final torrents = await transmission.getTorrents();
await transmission.startTorrents([]);

Stop torrents

final torrents = await transmission.getTorrents();
await transmission.stopTorrents([]);

Remove torrents

final torrents = await transmission.getTorrents();
await transmission.removeTorrents([]);

