encrypt method
Uint8List encrypt(String data, String publicXml) {
// Convert the data to bytes
Uint8List dataBytes = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data));
//print('Raw data bytes: ${dataBytes}'); // Log the raw data bytes
// Decode the Base64-encoded public XML
String decodedString = utf8.decode(base64.decode(publicXml));
String modulusString = getXmlComponent(decodedString, "Modulus");
String exponentString = getXmlComponent(decodedString, "Exponent");
// Convert Base64 strings to byte arrays
Uint8List modulusBytes = base64.decode(modulusString);
Uint8List exponentBytes = base64.decode(exponentString);
// Log modulus and exponent bytes
//print('Modulus bytes: $modulusBytes');
//print('Exponent bytes: $exponentBytes');
// Convert the byte arrays to BigInt
BigInt modulus = BigInt.parse(_bytesToHex(modulusBytes), radix: 16);
BigInt exponent = BigInt.parse(_bytesToHex(exponentBytes), radix: 16);
// Create the public key using RSAPublicKey
RSAPublicKey publicKey = RSAPublicKey(modulus, exponent);
// Prepare data with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding
Uint8List paddedData = _padPKCS1v15(dataBytes, modulus.bitLength ~/ 8);
//print('Padded data: $paddedData'); // Log the padded data
// Initialize the RSA engine for encryption
RSAEngine rsaEngine = RSAEngine()
..init(true, PublicKeyParameter<RSAPublicKey>(publicKey));
// Encrypt the padded data
Uint8List encryptedBytes = rsaEngine.process(paddedData);
return encryptedBytes;