TraktManager constructor

  1. required String clientId,
  2. required String clientSecret,
  3. required String redirectURI,
  4. bool useStaging = false,

Initializes the TraktManager for making API calls. This must be called before making any API calls!

clientId - The ClientId listed under your Trakt applications clientSecret - The Client secret listed under your Trakt applications redirectURI - the redirect uri set under your Trakt applications for OAuth. useStaging - whether to use the Trakt Staging environment. Default to false.


    {required String clientId, required String clientSecret, required String redirectURI, bool useStaging = false})
    : client = Client() {
  _clientId = clientId;
  _clientSecret = clientSecret;
  _redirectURI = redirectURI;

  _headers = {"trakt-api-version": "2", "trakt-api-key": clientId, "Content-type": "application/json"};

  if (useStaging) {
    _baseURL = "";

  _oauthURL = "$_clientId&redirect_uri=$_redirectURI";

  _authentication = Authentication(this);
  _calendar = Calendar(this);
  _certifications = Certifications(this);
  _checkIn = CheckIn(this);
  _comments = Comments(this);
  _countries = Countries(this);
  _episodes = Episodes(this);
  _genres = Genres(this);
  _languages = Languages(this);
  _lists = Lists(this);
  _movies = Movies(this);
  _networks = Networks(this);
  _people = People(this);
  _recommendations = Recommendations(this);
  _scrobble = Scrobble(this);
  _search = Search(this);
  _seasons = Seasons(this);
  _shows = Shows(this);
  _users = Users(this);
  _sync = Sync(this);