getShowLists method

Future<List<TraktList>> getShowLists(
  1. String id, {
  2. ListType type = ListType.personal,
  3. ListSort sortBy = ListSort.popular,
  4. RequestPagination? pagination,

Returns all lists that contain this show.

By default, personal lists are returned sorted by the most popular.

id - Trakt ID, Trakt slug, or IMDB ID type - Filter for a specific list type sortBy - how to sort.

📄 Pagination 😁 Emojis


Future<List<TraktList>> getShowLists(String id,
    {ListType type = ListType.personal,
    ListSort sortBy = ListSort.popular,
    RequestPagination? pagination}) async {
  return await _manager._getList<TraktList>(
      pagination: pagination);