searchIds method

Future<List<SearchResult>> searchIds(
  1. SearchIdType idType,
  2. String id, {
  3. List<SearchType>? searchTypes,
  4. bool extendedFull = false,
  5. RequestPagination? pagination,

Lookup items by their Trakt, IMDB, TMDB, or TVDB ID.

If you use the search url without a type it might return multiple items if the id_type is not globally unique. Specify the type of results by sending a single value or a comma delimited string for multiple types.

idType - Type of ID to lookup. id - ID that matches with the type searchTypes - Search type. Possible values: movie, show, episode, person, list

📄 Pagination ✨ Extended Info


Future<List<SearchResult>> searchIds(
  SearchIdType idType,
  String id, {
  List<SearchType>? searchTypes,
  bool extendedFull = false,
  RequestPagination? pagination,
}) async {
  Map<String, String>? params;
  if (searchTypes?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
    params = {"type": searchTypes!.map((type) => type.value).join(",")};

  return await _manager._getList<SearchResult>("search/${idType.value}/$id",
      extendedFull: extendedFull,
      pagination: pagination,
      queryParamameters: params);