getMostCollectedMovies method

Future<List<PlayedWatchedCollectedMovie>> getMostCollectedMovies(
  1. TimePeriod period, {
  2. bool extendedFull = false,
  3. RequestPagination? pagination,
  4. MovieFilters? filters,

Returns the most collected (unique users) movies in the specified time period, defaulting to weekly. All stats are relative to the specific time period.

period - Time period. Example: weekly

📄 Pagination ✨ Extended Info 🎚 Filters


Future<List<PlayedWatchedCollectedMovie>> getMostCollectedMovies(
    TimePeriod period,
    {bool extendedFull = false,
    RequestPagination? pagination,
    MovieFilters? filters}) async {
  return await _manager._getList("movies/collected/${period.value}",
      extendedFull: extendedFull, pagination: pagination, filters: filters);