sessionQuery method

List<Session> sessionQuery({
  1. Map<String, String> metaLike = const {},

List of Sessions matching the search criteria. metaLike will match against all key value pairs provided in a case insensitve manner.


// TODO: Add date filters
List<Session> sessionQuery({Map<String, String> metaLike = const {}}) {
  List<Session> result = sessions;

  if (metaLike.isNotEmpty) {
    metaLike =, v) => MapEntry(k.toLowerCase(), v));
    result = result.where((s) {
      if (s.kvps.isEmpty) return false;
      Map<String, String> lowerMeta =
, v) => MapEntry(k.toLowerCase(), v));

      bool match = false;
      for (String key in lowerMeta.keys) {
        if (match) break;
        if (!metaLike.keys.contains(key)) continue;

        match = (metaLike[key] ?? "NOPE").toLowerCase() ==
            (lowerMeta[key] ?? "YUP").toLowerCase();

      return match;

  return result;