trackit_console library

Part of very simple, lightweight and modular logging system. Trackit is a logger that is expandable with additional modules. This is module for printing logs to console in Dart application.


Interface for creating output handlers
An object for storing stringifies fields LogEvent.
Main class for handling logs.
TrackitFormatter<T extends Object?>
Interface for implementing formatters Can be used not only as a conversion of logger events to a string, but also to other types specified in the generic
Simple formatter for converting logger events to JSON compatible Map<String,Dynamic>
Formats log output according to a template. This is a fairly flexible formatter It allows you to flexibly customize the event string by adding or excluding parameters, for each of which you can specify methods for converting to a string
Simple formatter for converting logger events to a string. Used by default in TrackitConsole if no other is specified.


LogEventToStringify = LogEventString Function(LogEvent event)
Shorthand for the function to convert an LogEvent to LogEventString
PostStringify = String Function(LogEvent event, String value)
Short for post processing function