connectTo method

Future<void> connectTo(
  1. String domain,
  2. int port

Connects to the specified domain and port through the SOCKS socket.


  • domain: The domain to connect to.
  • port: The port to connect to.

Returns: A Future that resolves to void.


Future<void> connectTo(String domain, int port) async {
  // Connect command.
  var request = [
    0x05, // SOCKS version.
    0x01, // Connect command.
    0x00, // Reserved.
    0x03, // Domain name.
    (port >> 8) & 0xFF,
    port & 0xFF

  // Send the connect command to the SOCKS proxy server.

  // Wait for server response.
  var response = await;

  // Check if the connection was successful.
  if (response[1] != 0x00) {
    throw Exception(
        'socks_socket.connectTo(): Failed to connect to target through SOCKS5 proxy.');

  // Upgrade to SSL if needed
  if (sslEnabled) {
    // Upgrade to SSL.
    _secureSocksSocket = await
      host: domain,
      // onBadCertificate: (_) => true, // Uncomment this to bypass certificate validation (NOT recommended for production).

    // Listen to the secure socket.
    _subscription = _secureSocksSocket.listen(
      (data) {
        // Add the data to the response controller.
      onError: (e) {
        // Handle errors.
        if (e is Object) {

        // If the error is not an object, send the error as a string.
        // TODO make sure sending error as string is acceptable.
      onDone: () {
        // Close the response controller when the socket is closed.
