GenusGRPCService class


GenusGRPCService({required Object host, required int port, ChannelOptions options = const ChannelOptions(credentials: ChannelCredentials.insecure())})


genusBlockStub BlockServiceClient
The client stub for the Genus Block gRPC service
genusNetworkMetricsStub NetworkMetricsServiceClient
The client stub for the Genus NetworkMetrics gRPC service
genusTransactionStub TransactionServiceClient
The client stub for the Genus Transaction gRPC service
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
host Object
The host name or IP address of the remote node.
options → ChannelOptions
The configuration options for the gRPC channel.
port int
The port used to establish a connection with the remote node.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


createOnChainTransactionIndex({required IndexSpec indexSpec, bool? populate, CallOptions? options}) Future<CreateOnChainTransactionIndexResponse>
Returns a CreateOnChainTransactionIndexResponse object for the transaction index created at the given indexSpec.
dropIndex({required String indexName, CallOptions? options}) Future<DropIndexResponse>
Returns a DropIndexResponse object for the index dropped at the given indexName.
getBlockByDepth({int? depth, double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Future<BlockResponse>
Returns a BlockResponse object for the block at the given depth and confidence.
getBlockByHeight({int? height, double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Future<BlockResponse>
////////////////////////// Blocks Returns a BlockResponse object for the block at the given height and confidence.
getBlockById({List<int> blockIdBytes = const [], String blockIdString = "", double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Future<BlockResponse>
Returns a BlockResponse object for the block at the given blockId and confidence.
getBlockchainSizeStats({CallOptions? options}) Future<BlockchainSizeStatsRes>
Returns a BlockchainSizeStatsRes object. options is a CallOptions object that can be used to set additional options for the RPC request.
getBlockStats({CallOptions? options}) Future<BlockStatsRes>
Returns a BlockStatsRes object. options is a CallOptions object that can be used to set additional options for the RPC request.
getExistingTransactionIndexes({CallOptions? options}) Future<GetExistingTransactionIndexesResponse>
Returns a GetExistingTransactionIndexesResponse object for the existing transaction indexes.
getTransactionById({List<int> transactionIdBytes = const [], String transactionIdString = "", double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Future<TransactionResponse>
////////////////////////// Transactions Returns a TransactionResponse object for the transaction at the given transactionId and confidence.
getTransactionByLockAddressStream({required LockAddress address, double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Stream<TransactionResponse>
Streams a TransactionResponse object for the transaction found at the given addresses and confidence.
getTxOsByLockAddress({required LockAddress address, double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Future<TxoLockAddressResponse>
////////////////////////// Transaction Ouputs (TxOs) Returns a TxoAddressResponse object for the transaction outputs found at the given addresses and confidence.
getTxoStats({CallOptions? options}) Future<GetTxoStatsRes>
////////////////////////// Network Metrics
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
streamIndexedTransactions({required String indexName, CallOptions? options, int? maxResults, int? skipResults, List<IndexMatchValue>? indexMatchValues}) Stream<TransactionResponse>
Streams a TransactionResponse object for the transaction found at the given indexName, maxResults, skipResults, and indexMatchValues.
streamTxOsByAssetLabel({required AssetLabel assetLabel, double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Stream<TxoResponse>
Streams a TxoResponse object for the transaction outputs found at the given assetLabel and confidence.
streamTxOsByLockAddress({required LockAddress address, double? confidence, CallOptions? options}) Stream<TxoLockAddressResponse>
Streams a TxoAddressResponse object for the transaction outputs found at the given addresses and confidence.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.