streamIndexedTransactions method

Stream<TransactionResponse> streamIndexedTransactions({
  1. required String indexName,
  2. CallOptions? options,
  3. int? maxResults,
  4. int? skipResults,
  5. List<IndexMatchValue>? indexMatchValues,

Streams a TransactionResponse object for the transaction found at the given indexName, maxResults, skipResults, and indexMatchValues.

indexName is a String representing the index name to retrieve transactions for

maxResults is an int representing the maximum number of results to return

skipResults is an int representing the number of results to skip

indexMatchValues is a List<IndexMatchValue> representing the index match values to retrieve transactions for

options is a CallOptions object that can be used to set additional options for the RPC request.

Throws an Exception if an error occurs during the RPC request.


Stream<TransactionResponse> streamIndexedTransactions({
  required String indexName,
  CallOptions? options,
  int? maxResults,
  int? skipResults,
  List<IndexMatchValue>? indexMatchValues,
}) async* {
  final request = GetIndexedTransactionsRequest(
    indexName: indexName,
    maxResults: maxResults,
    skipResults: skipResults == null ? null : Int64(skipResults),
    value: indexMatchValues,
  final Stream<TransactionResponse> stream =
    options: options,

  await for (final TransactionResponse response in stream) {
    yield response;