sortedBy<T> function

List sortedBy<T>(
  1. Iterable<T> items,
  2. int sortKey(
    1. T
    ), {
  3. bool reverse = false,

Returns a copy of `items, stably sorted by sortKey.

The implementation uses collection.insertionSort, which is optimized for short lists.


List sortedBy<T>(
  Iterable<T> items,
  int Function(T) sortKey, {
  bool reverse = false,
}) {
  final list = new List.from(items);
  final comparator = reverse
      ? (a, b) => sortKey(a) - sortKey(b)
      : (a, b) => sortKey(b) - sortKey(a);
  insertionSort(list, compare: comparator);
  return list;