chordFrettings function

List<Fretting> chordFrettings(
  1. Chord chord,
  2. FrettedInstrument instrument, {
  3. dynamic highestFret = 4,


List<Fretting> chordFrettings(Chord chord, FrettedInstrument instrument,
    {highestFret = 4}) {
  final int minPitchClasses = chord.intervals.length;
  Map<int, Set<FretPosition>> partitionFretsByString() {
    final Set<FretPosition> positions =
        chordFrets(chord, instrument, highestFret);
    final Map<int, Set<FretPosition>> partitions = new Map.fromIterable(
        key: (index) => index,
        value: (_) => new Set<FretPosition>());
    for (final position in positions) {
    return partitions;

  // collectFrettingPositions(fretCandidatesPerString) {
  //   final stringCount = fretCandidatesPerString.length;
  //   final positionSet = [];
  //   final fretArray = [];
  //   void fill(s) {
  //     if (s == stringCount) {
  //       positionSet.push fretArray.slice()
  //     } else {
  //       for fret in fretCandidatesPerString[s]
  //         fretArray[s] = fret
  //         fill s + 1;
  //     }
  //   }
  //   fill(0);
  //   return positionSet;
  // }

  // // actually tests pitch classes, not pitches
  // containsAllChordPitches(fretArray) {
  //   final trace = fretArray.join('') == '022100'
  //   final pitchClasses = []
  //   for fret, string in fretArray
  //     continue unless typeof(fret) is 'number'
  //     pitchClass = instrument.pitchAt({fret, string}).toPitchClass().semitones
  //     pitchClasses.push pitchClass unless pitchClass in pitchClasses
  //   return pitchClasses.length == chord.pitches.length
  // }

  // maximumFretDistance(fretArray) {
  //   frets = (fret for fret in fretArray when typeof(fret) is 'number')
  //   // fretArray = (fret for fret in fretArray when fret > 0)
  //   return Math.max(frets...) - Math.min(frets...) <= 3
  // }

  Set<Fretting> generateFrettings() {
    final frettings = new Set<Fretting>();
    final stringFrets = partitionFretsByString();

    void collect(Iterable<int> unprocessedStringIndices,
        Set<FretPosition> collectedPositions) {
      if (unprocessedStringIndices.isEmpty) {
        final int pitchClassCount = collectedPositions
            .map((position) => position.semitones % 12)
        if (pitchClassCount >= minPitchClasses) {
          frettings.add(new Fretting(
              chord: chord,
              instrument: instrument,
              positions: collectedPositions));
      } else {
        final int stringIndex = unprocessedStringIndices.first;
        final Iterable<int> futureStringIndices =
        collect(futureStringIndices, collectedPositions);
        for (final position in stringFrets[stringIndex]!) {
          final Set<FretPosition> clone = new Set.from(collectedPositions);
          collect(futureStringIndices, clone);

    collect(instrument.stringIndices, new Set<FretPosition>());

    //   final fretArrays = collectFrettingPositions(fretsPerString());
    //   fretArrays = fretArrays.filter(containsAllChordPitches);
    //   fretArrays = fretArrays.filter(maximumFretDistance);
    //   for fretArray in fretArrays
    //     positions = ({fret, string} for fret, string in fretArray when typeof(fret) is 'number')
    //     for pos in positions
    //       pos.intervalClass = Interval.between(chord.root, instrument.pitchAt(pos))
    //       pos.degreeIndex = chord.intervals.indexOf(pos.intervalClass)
    //     sets = [[]]
    //     sets = collectBarreSets(instrument, fretArray) if positions.length > 4
    //     for barres in sets
    //       frettings.push new Fretting {positions, chord, barres, instrument}
    return frettings;

  // final chordNoteCount = chord.pitches.length;

  // Filters

  // // really counts distinct pitch classes, not distinct pitches
  // countDistinctNotes(fingering) {
  //   // _.chain(fingering.positions).pluck('intervalClass').uniq().value().length
  //   final intervalClasses = []
  //   for {intervalClass} in fingering.positions
  //     intervalClasses.push intervalClass unless intervalClass in intervalClasses
  //   return intervalClasses.length;
  // }

  // hasAllNotes(fingering) =>
  //   countDistinctNotes(fingering) == chordNoteCount;

  // mutedMedialStrings(fingering) =>
  //   fingering.fretstring.match(/\dx+\d/);

  // mutedTrebleStrings(fingering) =>
  //   fingering.fretstring.match(/x$/);

  // getFingerCount(fingering) {
  //   final n = (pos for pos in fingering.positions when pos.fret > 0).length;
  //   n -= barre.fingerReplacementCount - 1 for barre in fingering.barres;
  //   return n;
  // }

  // fourFingersOrFewer(fingering) =>
  //   getFingerCount(fingering) <= 4;

  // // Construct the filter set

  // final filters = [];
  // // filters.push name: 'has all chord notes', select: hasAllNotes

  // if (options.filter) {
  //   filters.push name: 'four fingers or fewer', select: fourFingersOrFewer
  // }

  // if (!options.fingerpicking) {
  //   filters.push name: 'no muted medial strings', reject: mutedMedialStrings
  //   filters.push name: 'no muted treble strings', reject: mutedTrebleStrings
  // }

  // // filter by all the filters in the list, except ignore those that wouldn't pass anything
  // filterFrettings(frettings) {
  //   for {name, select, reject} in filters
  //     filtered = frettings
  //     select = ((x) -> not reject(x)) if reject
  //     filtered = filtered.filter(select) if select
  //     unless filtered.length
  //       console.warn "#{}: no frettings pass filter \"#{name}\"" if warn
  //       filtered = frettings
  //     frettings = filtered
  //   return frettings;
  // }

  // Sort

  // // FIXME count pitch classes, not sounded strings
  // highNoteCount(fingering) =>
  //   fingering.positions.length;

  // isRootPosition(fingering) =>
  //   _(fingering.positions).sortBy((pos) -> pos.string)[0].degreeIndex == 0;

  // reverseSortKey = (fn) -> (a) -> -fn(a)

  // // ordered list of preferences, from most to least important
  // final preferences = [
  //   {name: 'root position', key: isRootPosition}
  //   {name: 'high note count', key: highNoteCount}
  //   {name: 'avoid barres', key: reverseSortKey((fingering) -> fingering.barres.length)}
  //   {name: 'low finger count', key: reverseSortKey(getFingerCount)}
  // ];

  int Function(T, T) compareBy<T>(int Function(T) f, {bool reverse = false}) =>
      reverse ? (a, b) => f(a) - f(b) : (a, b) => f(b) - f(a);

  List<Fretting> sortFrettings(Iterable<Fretting> frettingSet) {
    final List<Fretting> frettingList = frettingSet.toList();

    // number of open strings:
        compare: compareBy<Fretting>((Fretting f) =>
            f.positions.where((pos) => pos.fretNumber == 0).length));
    // number of sounded strings:
        compare: compareBy<Fretting>((f) => f.positions.length));
    // root position:
        compare: compareBy<Fretting>((f) => f.inversionIndex, reverse: true));
    return frettingList;

  // Generate, filter, and sort

  final frettings = generateFrettings();
  // frettings = filterFrettings(frettings);
  final orderedFrettings = sortFrettings(frettings);

  // final properties = {
  //   'root': isRootPosition
  //   'barres': (f) -> f.barres.length
  //   'fingers': getFingerCount
  //   'inversion': (f) -> f.inversionLetter or ''
  //   // 'bass': /^\d{3}x*$/
  //   // 'treble': /^x*\d{3}$/
  //   'skipping': /\dx+\d/
  //   'muting': /\dx/
  //   'open': /0/
  //   'triad': ({positions}) -> positions.length == 3
  //   'position': ({positions}) -> Math.max(_.min(_.pluck(positions, 'fret')) - 1, 0)
  //   'strings': ({positions}) -> positions.length
  // };

  // for name, fn of properties
  //   for fingering in orderedFrettings
  //     value = if fn instanceof RegExp then fn.test(fingering.fretstring) else fn(fingering)
  //[name] = value

  return orderedFrettings;