
You can create and download a CSV/Excel file with much less code. Do not forget to like the package if this helped you...

How to use it?

  • Firstly, add to_csv as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
  • And import this as in your dart file:
   import 'package:to_csv/to_csv.dart' as exportCSV;
  • In your onPressed/onTap function (or wherever you like), create a list of Strings that will be the Header of your table or excel file.
 List<String> header = [];
header.add('User Name');
header.add('ID Number');
  • Also create a two lists which contains your list of rows as List
  List<List<String>> listOfLists = []; //Outter List which contains the data List
  List<String> data1 = ['1','Bilal Saeed','1374934','912839812']; //Inner list which contains Data i.e Row
  List<String> data2 = ['2','Ahmar','21341234','192834821']; //Inner list which contains Data i.e Row

Note: Length of elements present in Rows should be equal to the length of header list length

  • Now add your data variables in listOfVisitor which is List of List of Strings actually.
  • Finally pass header and listOfVisitors to the package function like this:
 exportCSV.myCSV(header, listOfLists);

And your csvFile will be downloaded in no minutes. Open it on excel or in any other app and Enjoy!

Your final output will be:

A pretty Tiger

Configuration FOR IOS:

Go to your project folder, ios/Runner/info.plist and Add these keys:



Or Configure in XCode:

Open Your Project in XCode (Open XCode -> Open a project or file -> Your_Project_Folder/ios/Runner.xcworkspace) Open info.plist Add these rows:

Application supports iTunes file sharing (Boolean -> Yes)

Supports opening documents in place (Boolean -> Yes) forIoSImage

Recent Changes in New Version

1. Column headers can now be switched as the first element of each row.

When setHeadersInFirstRow is set to false like the following code:

await  myCSV(header, listOfLists,setHeadersInFirstRow:false,includeNoRow: true, sharing: false);

Output would be: MyCSVFormate But when setHeadersInFirstRow is set to true, OUTPUT would be: MyCSVFormate

You can also set dart includeNoRow: false to remove No. row/column
2. Compatible with Dart 3 now. Compiled with Flutter 3.22.2 ##3.0.0 & resolved all flutter analyze issues

Additional information

If you like to contribute to this open source project, you are Welcome . If you need to make any changes, or find any issue please let me know on github and I will solve it.

And if you liked the package, don't forget to hit like button.

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