parseImpl function

Result parseImpl(
  1. String url,
  2. FLAG step,
  3. SuffixLookupFunction suffixLookup, [
  4. Options? partialOptions,


Result parseImpl(String url, FLAG step, SuffixLookupFunction suffixLookup,
    [Options? partialOptions]) {
  Result result = Result();

  Options options = Options.getDefaultOptions(partialOptions);
  // Very fast approximate check to make sure `url` is a string. This is needed
  // because the library will not necessarily be used in a typed setup and
  // values of arbitrary types might be given as argument.
  if (url.runtimeType != String) {
    return result;

  // Extract hostname from `url` only if needed. This can be made optional
  // using `options.extractHostname`. This option will typically be used
  // whenever we are sure the inputs to `parse` are already hostnames and not
  // arbitrary URLs.
  // `mixedInput` allows to specify if we expect a mix of URLs and hostnames
  // as input. If only hostnames are expected then `extractHostname` can be
  // set to `false` to speed-up parsing. If only URLs are expected then
  // `mixedInputs` can be set to `false`. The `mixedInputs` is only a hint
  // and will not change the behavior of the library.
  if (!options.extractHostname) {
    result.hostname = url;
  } else if (options.mixedInputs) {
    result.hostname = extractHostname(url, isValidHostname(url));
  } else {
    result.hostname = extractHostname(url, false);

  if (step == FLAG.hostname || result.hostname == null) {
    return result;

  // Check if `hostname` is a valid ip address
  if (options.detectIp) {
    result.isIp = isIp(result.hostname!);
    if (result.isIp!) {
      return result;

  // Perform optional hostname validation. If hostname is not valid, no need to
  // go further as there will be no valid domain or sub-domain.
  if (options.validateHostname &&
      options.extractHostname &&
      !isValidHostname(result.hostname!)) {
    result.hostname = null;
    return result;

  // Extract public suffix
  suffixLookup(result.hostname!, options, result);
  if (step == FLAG.publicSuffix || result.publicSuffix == null) {
    return result;

  // Extract domain
  result.domain = getDomain(result.publicSuffix!, result.hostname!, options);
  if (step == FLAG.domain || result.domain == null) {
    return result;

  // Extract subdomain
  result.subdomain = getSubdomain(result.hostname!, result.domain!);
  if (step == FLAG.subdomain) {
    return result;

  // Extract domain without suffix
  result.domainWithoutSuffix = getDomainWithoutSuffix(

  return result;