setupFocusListener static method

void setupFocusListener(
  1. GlobalKey<State<StatefulWidget>> widgetKey,
  2. bool focused


static void setupFocusListener(GlobalKey widgetKey, bool focused){
  RenderBox renderbox = widgetKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
  Offset globalPosition = renderbox.localToGlobal(;

  // Perform hit-testing
  final BoxHitTestResult result = BoxHitTestResult();
  renderbox.hitTest(result, position: globalPosition);
  String jsonString = "";

  // Analyze the hit result to find the widget that was touched.
  for (HitTestEntry entry in result.path) {
    if (entry is! BoxHitTestEntry || entry is SliverHitTestEntry) {
      final targetWidget =;

      final widgetString = targetWidget.toString();
      jsonString = jsonEncode(widgetString);


  var widgetId = jsonString == "" ? "FlutterSurfaceView" : jsonString;
  double x = globalPosition.dx;
  double y = globalPosition.dy;

  PluginTealeaf.tlFocusChanged(widgetId, x, y, focused);