PluginTealeaf class

Tealeaf Plugin API calls.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

appKey Future<String>
no setter
platformVersion Future<String>
no setter
pluginVersion Future<String>
no setter
tealeafSessionId Future<String>
no setter
tealeafVersion Future<String>
no setter

Static Methods

aspectdTest() bool
badCall() Future<void>
getGlobalConfiguration() Future<String>
logPerformanceEvent({int navigationType = 0, int redirectCount = 0, int navigationStart = 0, int unloadEventStart = 0, int unloadEventEnd = 0, int redirectStart = 0, int redirectEnd = 0, int loadEventStart = 0, int loadEventEnd = 0}) Future<bool>
Logs performance event with params:
logScreenLayout(String logicalPageName) Future<void>
Logs the layout of the screen and captures a Tealeaf screen view event.
logScreenViewContextUnLoad(String logicalPageName, String referrer) Future<void>
Logs the unloading context of a screen view with additional information.
maskText(String text, [String? page]) Future<String>
onScreenview(String tlType, String logicalPageName, [List<Map<String, dynamic>>? layoutParameters]) Future<void>
Triggers a screen view event in the app. The event can be a load, unload or visit event.
onTlException({required Map data}) Future<void>
For global unhandled exception
onTlGestureEvent({required String? gesture, required String id, required String target, Map<String, dynamic>? data, List<Map<String, dynamic>>? layoutParameters}) Future<void>
Handles incoming gesture events from the Flutter engine.
onTlPointerEvent({required Map fields}) Future<void>
tlApplicationCaughtException({dynamic caughtException, StackTrace? stack, Map<String, String>? appData}) Future<void>
For Application level handled exception
tlApplicationCustomEvent({required String? eventName, Map<String, String?>? customData, int? logLevel}) Future<void>
Logs a custom event with optional custom data and log level.
tlConnection({required String url, required int statusCode, String description = '', int responseSize = 0, int initTime = 0, int loadTime = 0, dynamic responseTime = 0}) Future<void>
Records network connection metrics for a specific URL.
tlFocusChanged(String widgetId, double x, double y, bool focused) → void
tlSetEnvironment({required int screenWidth, required int screenHeight}) Future<void>